New Year's Eve Party at the Clubhouse


Pocono Mountain Water Forest is Supplying the Clubhouse for a New Year's Eve Celebration for it's Residents & their Guests.

: The New Year's Eve Party Will Now Be Open For The Entire Family,
Not Just Adults As Originally Posted.

And Please Bring A Dish or Dessert

Doors Open AT 8:00pm

And If You Have Some Great Music We Will Play It
So Bring Your CD's & iPods


Back Gates Open For The Holiday Season

News_Flash 3
As A Courtesy To Our Residents The Back Gates Will Remain Open From December 20th, 2013 To January 2nd, 2014. The Gates Will Be Back In Operation On January 3rd, 2014.

Have A Great Holiday Season!
From the PMWF/CA


PMWF Holiday Party for Kids

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We Wish A Happy Thanksgiving To All!


From All Of Us At Pocono Mountain Water Forest Community Association

As A Courtesy To Our Residents The Back Entrance Gates Will Be Open On November 27th, 28th, & 29th For The Thanksgiving Holiday.

Thank You All For Your Support!


No Matter What Holiday You May Celebrate


We Wish You A Happy & Healthy Holiday Season
Pocono Mountain Water Forest Community Association

Come Have Breakfast with Santa


Sunday December 1st, 2013
Dingman Township
Volunteer Fire Department
680 Log Tavern Road
8:30am until 11:30am



PMWF Community Assn. Board Meeting


Board Meetings
The board voted in New Rules that will have an impact on the entire community. Please read them over. These New Rules will be permanently posted on our Board of Directors / Dues, Pay Plans, and Gate Rules Page.

Attention: New Office Hours for Winter:
Wednesday thru Saturday 11:00am to 5:oopm

Official PMWF Rules On Non Payment of Dues
Effective October 20th, 2013

1) After 3 months (90 days) of a residents non payment of their dues a letter will be sent out to them on the 1st day of the 4th month advising them that payment is (90 days) overdue.
2) The interest rate of One Percent (1%) Monthly will apply after the initial 90 day period starting on the 1st day of the fourth (4th) month.
3) If after the 4th month they have still not payed or made arrangements to do so with the Association, a final letter will be sent on the 1st day of the 5th month notifying them that they are now (120 days) past due and that they must immediately take action within (7 days) by contacting the association’s office to make payment arrangements to bring their account up to date or they will be placed into collections.
All costs incurred by Pocono Mountain Water Forest Community Association will be charged to the delinquent property owner according to the communities bylaws.. These costs will be billed separately by the Pocono Mountain Water Forest Community Association office, separate from the collection agency.
Concerning HARDSHIP: Any resident claiming that they cannot pay their community dues because of a hardship must prove to us by documentation that their hardship is legitimate. We must see documentation showing that they are behind on Mortgage, Tax Bills, Utilities, Car Payments, Etc. If a hardship is proven the board of directors will have a lean put on their house.

Official PMWF Payment Plans
Effective October 20th, 2013

1) For current dues the standard 1-2-4 payment plan will be followed.
2) For past due accounts there will be two (2) payment plans available.
a: Residents can pay 10% per month of the total balance with no interest charged.
b: Residents can pay 7.5% per month with an interest charge of 1% per month.

In All Cases of Payment Plans The Board Must Approve the Payment Plan & a Contract Must Be Signed Between the Community Association & the Resident for it to be Official.

Official PMWF Gate Card Rules
Effective October 20th, 2013

1) Resident must be up to date on their payments in the current year.
2) Residents that are on payment plans or in collections must also be up to date on their payments.

Both of the preceding two (2) Rules Must Be Followed.
If any of these two (2) Rules are not followed by the Resident their Gate Cards will be Turned Off.

Pasted Graphic
The Office Now Accepts Major Credit Cards


Attention All MOMS! It's "Trunk a Treat"

Halloween is coming soon and that means that it's time to think about the "Trunk a Treat" at the clubhouse. We don't know all that's involved but we are hoping someone will do the planning. Please let us know if there is anything you need the board to do.
Please contact Jane Opfer at 570-828-7475 if you are interested in organizing this event so we can be of assistance. We do hope that someone will be willing to carry on this tradition for the kids. Thank you. Read More...

Office Open Additional Day This Week Only


The Office Will Be Open This Tuesday October 1st, 9:15am to 3:13pm.


Gates Going Active On Tuesday October 1st

News_Flash 3
We finally have a date for the gates to go into operation. Tuesday October 1st, 2013 will be the official day that the gates will be working.
As of now old gate cards or remote clickers that were handed into the office on or before September 21st, 2013 have been reprogramed and are ready for pickup. Please make arrangements to do so.
Residents that still have their old gate cards or remote clickers MUST bring them to the office to be reprogramed. They will NOT work unless they are reprogramed.
Residents that never had gate cards will be issued cards. Please call or go to the office to request them. In ALL CASES DON'T FORGET to bring your car registrations for each card you are picking up. No out of state registrations will be accepted unless you are the homeowner or you are the person renting from the homeowner. Please call the office before picking up your cards to make sure they are ready.

No cards will be issued to residents that are not in good standing with dues.


Car Stickers, Gate Cards & Remote Clickers

Q: I Am A New Community Member And I Need Stickers For My Car. How Do I Get Them?
A: You need to fill out a form and bring a copy of the registration for your vehicle into the office. Make sure it is updated with your new address!

(You can download the form from the "Resident Forms" page)

Q: What Is The Status Of The Gate Cards & The Gates?
A: Residents that still have their old gate cards or remote clickers MUST bring them to the office to be reprogramed. They will NOT work unless they are reprogramed. As of now old gate cards or remote clickers that were handed into the office before August 26th, 2013 have been reprogramed and are ready for pickup. Please make arrangements to do so. Residents that never had gate cards will be issued cards. Please call or go to the office to request them. In ALL CASES DON'T FORGET to bring your car registrations for each card you are picking up. No out of state registrations will be accepted unless you are the homeowner or you are the person renting from the homeowner. Please call the office before picking up your cards to make sure they are ready.
No cards will be issued to residents that are not in good standing with their community dues.

Q: Is There A Fee For Additional NEW Cards?
A: Yes, there is a fee of $10.00 for each additional card after the first two(2). Until original two(2) cards have been picked up by all residents no extra cards will be given out. We must make sure we have enough to cover all residents with the original two cards first.

We Will Announce The Date When The Gates Will Be Operational.
Please Keep Checking Back For An Update!


Rosemary Joins the PMWFCA Staff!

We would like to welcome Rosemary to the Pocono Mountain Water Forest staff. Rosemary has taken over the position from Ruth in the office. With years of experience and a military background we are completely confident that Rosemary will handle the job. She stated that she is looking forward to being here and to serve the community. So now when you call or stop into the office please welcome her to the Pocono Mountain Water Forest Community Association.

So with that said Rosemary, Welcome Aboard!


It's Labor Day Weekend. Pool Season Ends

Labor Day is a United States federal holiday observed on the first Monday in September, that celebrates the economic and social contributions of workers. It was first nationally recognized in 1894 to placate unionists following the Pullman Strike. With the decline in union membership, the holiday is generally viewed as a time for barbeques and the end of summer vacations.
Labor Day weekend also marks the final 3 days (Saturday 8-31, Sunday 9-1, & Monday 9-2) of our 2013 Pool Season. So come and enjoy the Pool for the last time this year. And once again, Thanks to all the
Lifeguards for their service this season.

Victoria Averts Potential Disaster

Now here is a story that has come to our attention that is worth telling the community about. A couple of weeks ago four girls were in a boat on the lake. For some reason their boat started taking on some water. The four girls started panicking. On the beach was one of our Lifeguards Victoria. Keeping a cool head she immediately got into one of our boats and headed toward the girls. Once she got to them she calmly took two of the girls into her boat and then proceeded to tow the girls boat with the two remaining girls back to safety. I guess that puts Victoria in the Hero category!

Thank you Victoria for the great job.

Let's All Say Thanks To Ruth!

As most of you know by now, Ruth is leaving the Pocono Mountain Water Forest Community towards the end of this month. She has been part of the staff for approximately the past three years. During that time she has shown deep love and compassion for the community and its residents. She is a lady that truly cares about what goes on here, and she will surely be missed by the community. She also ran the office in a courteous and professional manner, and at the same time gave all that came to her the feeling that here was a friend that they could talk to and depend on. Ruth, we would like to thank you for the service and dedication that you have given to the Pocono Mountain Water Forest community. We will all miss you. We would also like to wish you the very best in the future with any endeavors you might undertake.
Send your "blogs" to the "
Webmaster" to say thanks to Ruth.

(All comments will be reviewed before publishing them)


PMWF Community Assn. Board Meeting

Board Meetings
The board is addressing all the problems & concerns of the community. One of the problems that faces this community is the non payment of community dues. The board is taking this very seriously and voted yesterday to put into effect new rules concerning the approach it will take on this. The new rules are being written up and will be published on the Non-Payment of Dues page very soon.
So keep checking back to see the changes that were made!

We did have one of our community owners stop by with a concern he had and the board took immediate action to resolve his concern. We would still like to see more Community Members come to our monthly meetings. They are the 3rd Sunday of every month. Please come and get involved. It's your Community. Be a part of making it better. At the same time get to know your neighbors better and maybe meet some new ones! And again if you would like to respond to anything you have read please send us your comments. Just send them to the
"Webmaster" (All comments will be reviewed before publishing them)

Happy Birthday
We would also like to wish our community association board president Ted Wetzel a very Happy Birthday! May you have many more.
And we thank you for all you do for the community.

Check Out Our New BLOG Page!

Come BLOG with us at PMWF. We would love to hear from you and have you submit your thoughts on whatever is important to you in your life. For the younger people tell us what is happening in school, or a trip you went on with your parents or would like to go on. (Just remember we will screen everything before we publish it) You can even send us Pictures, Videos & Songs if you like. Also if you have pictures or stories of Unusual Animals in the area please share the photos and stories with us and we will consider posting them.

Submit all of your Blogs to the "Webmaster"

Have some fun. Get Involved With Your Community!


PMWF Community Assn. Board Meeting

Well the board meeting went very well. A lot of information was discussed including unpaid dues, the new gate that will be going up, speeding cars, ect. We had a couple of Community Members show up with some concerns and they were addressed in a orderly fashion. The members that came to see us seemed to be satisfied with the board's approach towards their concerns.
We would really like to see more Community Members come to our monthly meetings. They are the 3rd Sunday of every month. Please come and get involved. It's your Community. Be a part of making it better. At the same time get to know your neighbors better and maybe meet some new ones! Read More...