US-flag 2 Pocono Mountain Water Forest US-flag 2

Community Association

Roads 2019

Dear Fellow Residents,
Road work will start around May. Pot holes will be repaired along with prep work done on roads that will be getting resurfaced with chip seal throughout the community. Please drive carefully and keep an eye out for road crews. Please check our website for updates and/or attend our monthly board meetings. Thank you for your continued support.
Road Committee / Patrick Mastrocovi

The method that we have chosen to do the roads with is known as "Chip Seal".
A typical Chip Seal is performed by shooting a layer of emulsified oil on the existing surface, covering it with a well graded aggregate, and then embedding the aggregate in the oil by rolling it with a rubber wheeled roller.

(Left & Below: Actual Pictures of the PMWF Roads being Chip Sealed during Phase 1)
IMG_0111 IMG_0110


Long overdue were our Tennis, Basketball, & Handball Courts.
The work has been completed. Please see the pictures below.

IMG_0055 (Before)
The poles on both Tennis Courts were leaning badly and major cracks were running throughout the courts making them unsafe. The poles have been reseated and are now straight allowing the nets to be adjusted to the proper height. All cracks have been repaired. The courts are now safe to play on.

thumb_IMG_0007_1024 thumb_IMG_0002_1024 (After)

The Handball Courts have had the graffiti removed and have been repainted.

IMG_0072 (Before) IMG_0042 (After)
Anyone that has been to the Basketball Courts knows how badly the old backboards were leaning and how beat-up they were. We have replaced the old Basketball Backboards with heavy duty ones. These have been reseated into the ground on new poles that are now straight and the proper distance from the court so as to insure the safety of the players.

The Fencing that was knocked down by cars at the resident gate entrance, has been replaced and stained.


Please note that it is extremely important to notify the office if you plan on doing any work on your driveway at least a week in advance. Someone from the roads or building department has to come out and make sure that there is no possibility of run off before the paving can begin. It could be very costly to the community and to you if a culvert is needed and it is not done. It only takes a phone call to avoid a possible disaster in the event of a flood.