Pocono Mountain Water Forest

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The History of Daylight Saving Time

(This is a Repost from October, 2020)

How Does Daylight Saving Time Work?
Johnna Kaplan
Although we dutifully adjust our lives for it twice a year, the whole “Spring forward, fall back” phenomenon can be puzzling. For many people, when the time change approaches in spring or fall, it brings with it at least a moment of confusion: How does daylight saving time work, again? What day do we do this, and what time exactly do we change our clocks? Are we gaining an hour, or losing one? If that hour is truly lost, where does it go? And is it Daylight Saving or Daylight Savings Time?
That last one’s easy. Strange as it sounds if you usually say the “s,” the
proper name is Daylight Saving Time. As for the rest of it, here are the facts you need to know about springing forward and falling back.

Why Does Daylight Saving Time Exist?
The first person known to have suggested a seasonal adjustment of time was none other than Benjamin Franklin. In 1784, he noted that sleeping in despite the sun’s rising earlier in the summer was a waste of good daylight. He suggested, humorously, not a nationwide changing of clocks but rather a volley of early morning cannon fire to rouse people from their beds. Several other innovators around the world had similar ideas over the next century. Some proposed more serious plans to do something about it, but ultimately these were seen as impractical and unwelcome.
The urgent need to conserve fuel during World War I finally made 31 nations implement a version of Daylight Saving Time or DST. After the war was over, most of them returned to “normal,” but soon enough World War II began. Then, 52 countries adopted the energy-saving schedule adjustment. Some changed their clocks for the whole year, including the United States. The U.S. remained on what was then called “wartime” from 1942 to 1945. (Daylight Saving Time would be extended again during the oil crisis of the 1970s.) After the war, when mandatory nationwide “wartime” ended, clock-related matters were left to state and local governments to regulate (or not) as they chose.
The federal government didn’t attempt to standardize the process again until 1966. It enacted the Uniform Time Act and established dates and times for those areas choosing to change their clocks. Further adjustments were made in 1986 and 2007. Today most people in the U.S. change their clocks at the agreed-upon time and date twice a year.

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New Year's Eve

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the Gregorian calendar. For other calendars, see New Year. For other uses, see New Year's Eve (disambiguation).

In the
Gregorian calendar, New Year's Eve, also known as Old Year's Day or Saint Sylvester's Day in many countries, is the evening or the entire day of the last day of the year, 31 December. The last day of the year is commonly referred to as “New Year's Eve”. In many countries, New Year's Eve is celebrated with dancing, eating, drinking, and watching or lighting fireworks. Some Christians attend a watchnight service. The celebrations generally go on past midnight into New Year's Day, 1 January.
The Line Islands (part of Kiribati), Samoa and Tonga, in the Pacific Ocean, are the first places to welcome the New Year, while American Samoa, Baker Island and Howland Island (part of the United States Minor Outlying Islands) are among the last.
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Winter 2023

Winter, coldest season of the year, between autumn and spring; the name comes from an old Germanic word that means “time of water” and refers to the rain and snow of winter in middle and high latitudes. In the Northern Hemisphere it is commonly regarded as extending from the winter solstice (year’s shortest day), December 21 or 22, to the vernal equinox (day and night equal in length), March 20 or 21, and in the Southern Hemisphere from June 21 or 22 to September 22 or 23. The low temperatures associated with winter occur only in middle and high latitudes; in equatorial regions, temperatures are almost uniformly high throughout the year. For physical causes of the seasons, see season.
What causes the seasons? In many parts of the world, weather cycles through the four seasons like clockwork: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.
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The concept of winter in European languages is associated with the season of dormancy, particularly in relation to crops; some plants die, leaving their seeds, and others merely cease growth until spring. Many animals also become dormant, especially those that hibernate; numerous insects die.